Thursday, 29 January 2009

Just a Book...

These images I found within a digital art masters book vol 2. Which has loads of great modelling in it.  These models have been made really well and with such a low poly count... maybe I should start mine again as Jared suggested and make a different vehical... perhaps follow a tutorial on how to make one... there must be one out there...


Some people loved it, some people hated it.  I think the main point was that everyone thought it was going to be 3D in that we could all walk around the models we had built and look at them but in fact we actually just see it from the front view as its just been projected on to the screen.  Its quite interesting how it works and may be interesting to see some of our work displayed on it.  Quite looking forward to submitting something (not sure WHAT yet...maybe a piece I did with Tom's animation)... I enjoyed viewing what they had to offer mind you and found it to be very interesting and entertaining.

On the way back I felt like taking pictures from the train station I was at... quite interesting textures and roads going over etc... so just a couple here.

Wacky Racers

Jared mentioned the wacky racers today when Sam and I were talking to him about our project.  Me being me went away and had an immediate look at them...


Here is the character so far. He's going quite well again... still need to add some differences in the sides and a pouch... add more boot detail. Then we get on to painting weights.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Fence Test

Just seeing if its possible to create a see through texture for a fence. So each one is about Two Faces ... keeping our polycount low....
It works.. obviously.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

T Poses... Just For FUN!

I just thought I'd get as many T - Poses in here as that guy REALLY hates them... I don't mind them considering they are a good starting point for  looking at your model as a whole.  It would be stupid if you have one arm in his pocket and then the other... when mirrored obviously will be in his pocket AGAIN.  A T - Pose is the finishing point of the model.  I do understand that the model isn't ACTUALY finished until they are animated and walking and breathing, but the modellers part is done surely.  Anyway, my modelling here is not finished yet.  This is just a quick preview of what I've been working on for the last few days.  I know that the head and the hands need the most work still (lets not talk about the shrek-like ears).  The head is not attached to the body so I can duplicate it and create blend shapes... but hey we'll see what happens and how this week develops.

Public Folders

Today everything on the public folders was deleted.  Not by ICT but by some individual logged on on a computer at Ravensbourne.  I realised it was happening and informed ICT right away in an attempt to save some files and catch the vermin however they could only narrow the list down to everyone that was logged on to a Rave account on the computers at that current time.  There was no way to see who has deleted the files or to get our work back.  I know that on average the Rave Public Folders has about 100 folders or something crazy like that but now there are 5 left.  My friends attempting to pro-long the inevitable created a number of decoy folders for the sabotager to work through however I believe it was too late.  Only 3 original folders stayed.  Not a pretty sight as I know that a LOT of people would have lost their work today.
An idea of how we could have improved it - give a password to the class rep's only (that gives out 2 per class) and then make deleting things password protected.  Different Passwords for different courses to pinpoint who is deleting and when.... Just a thought but it would have made it more secure - even though we were all warned about the lack of security on the Public Folders I think everyone has lost a little something or  COULD have and now will never know...

Monday, 26 January 2009

Forum Found... RESEARCH

HEyyy guys, Just found a forum that I was looking at and it seem pretty cool. Its quite dated now but explains a little bit about depth levels and rendering backgrounds and how they used to do it with Masks etc. Its just a forum but as we all know they are useful to read as they do have faq's on.

Hope you guys find it interesting like me ^^

Cheeky image that they link to...

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Forum Madness

Another Forum which was quite useful in my research:

Just searched the internet for my car...

Came up with this... this is supposedly my car...

3 Door Mitsubushi Colt Equippe.  But then... my car looks like....


Oh well. I prefer my car...  haha. good job really.

Friday, 23 January 2009


Right from the front line... The Character so far. Still needs work but I'm putting it in to show the development.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

GTA Screen Shots Of Garage Door

Just a couple of quick images here to show GTA style of graffiti on the walls and shutters... DIRECT reference in the making right here.... I think from what I've seen Sam and I will be easily capable :)

Pre Rendering...DUMBED DOWN

Pre-rendering is the process in which video footage is not rendered in real-time by the hardware that is outputing or playing back the video. Instead, the video is a recording of a footage that was previously rendered on a different equipment (typically one that is more powerful than the hardware used for playback). Pre-rendered assets (typically movies) may also be outsourced by the developer to an outside production company. Such assets usually have a level of complexity that is too great for the target platform to render in real-time.

The term pre-rendered describes anything that is not rendered in real-time. This includes content that could have been run in real-time with more effort on the part of the developer (e.g. video that covers a large number of a game's environments without pausing to load, or video of a game in an early state of development that is rendered in slow-motion and then played back at regular speed). The term is generally not used to describe video captures of real-time rendered graphics despite the fact that video is technically prerendered by its nature. The term is also not used to describe hand drawn assets or photographed assets (these assets not being computer rendered in the first place).

Advantage and disadvantage

The advantage of pre-rendering is the ability to use graphic models that are more complex and computationally intensive than what can be rendered in real-time, due to the possibility of using multiple computers over extended periods of time to render the end results.

The disadvantage of pre-rendering, in the case of video game graphics, is a generally lower level of interactivity, if any, with the player. Another negative side of pre-rendered assets is that changes cannot be made during gameplay. A game with pre-rendered backgrounds is forced to use fixed camera angles, and a game with pre-rendered video generally cannot reflect any changes the game's characters might have undergone during gameplay (such as wounds or customized clothing) without having an alternate version of the video stored. This is generally not feasible due to the large amount of space required to store pre-rendered assets of high quality. However, in some advanced implementations, such as in FFVIII, real-time assets were composited with pre-rendered video, allowing dynamic backgrounds and changing camera angles.

Another problem is that a game with pre-rendered lighting cannot easily change the state of the lighting in a convincing manner.


One of the first games to extensively use pre-rendered graphics and full motion Video was the 7th Guest. Released in 1992 as the first personal computer game exclusively on CD-ROM, the game was hugely popular, although reviews from critics were mixed. The game featured pre-rendered video sequences that were at a resolution of 640x320 at 15 fps, a feat previously thought impossible on personal computers. Shortly after the release of Myst made the use of pre-rendered and CD-ROMs even more popular.

The use of pre-rendered backgrounds and movies also was made popular by Resident Evil and FF franchises on the original PS, both of which use prerendered backgrounds and movies extensively to provide a visual presentation that is far greater than the console can provide with real-time 3D. These games include real-time elements (characters, items, etc.) in addition to pre-rendered backgrounds to provide Interactivity. Often a game using pre-rendered backgrounds can devote additional processing power to the remaining interactive elements resulting in a level of detail greater than the norm for the host platform. In some cases the visual quality of the interactive elements is still far behind the prerendered backgrounds.

Some games also use 16-bit prerendered Sky Box, like Half-Life -GREAT GAME(Only Gold SRC version),Re-Volt, Quake II and others.

Recently Prerendered graphics are becoming rare in games with stronger real time rendering ability, making prerendered graphics unneeded.

CG movies such sa Toy Story, Shrek and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within entirely pre-rendered. Pre-rendered graphics are used primarilyas Cut Scenes in modern video games, where they are also known as full motion Video

Other methods

Another increasingly common pre-rendering method is the generation of texture sets for 3D games, which are often used with complex real-time algorithms to simulate extraordinarily high levels of detail. While making Doom 3, id Software used pre-rendered models as the basis for generating normal, specular and diffuse lighting maps that simulate the detail of the original model in real-time.

Pre-rendered lighting is a technique that is losing popularity. Processor-intensive ray tracing algorithms can be used during a game's production to generate light textures, which are simply applied on top of the usual hand drawn textures.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Car Modelling_02

Not bad for a few hours work... obviously I have no head lights or handles for the door... I continued on with the original just to see how it will work to start with... I figured as its not taking me THAT long - I may as well just spend a few nights just getting this one right and the same for the other (using just planes) thats if this one goes.... wrong.  So yeah... theres the progress so far.  Just doing a bit at a time really.  Sam and I spoke earlier at Rave and we discuessed the next few days.  What we didn't discuss was a big time plan for the entire project.  May be a good idea to do this tomorrow as we are meeting up in the morning.  I'll probably bring it up.

Character so far...

This is a quick shot of how the character is going...

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Car Modelling_01

Just a taster of a VERY quick car I've been making for a test to see if it'll be quicker to make it as ONE or make it as individual bonnet etc.... I think I may go back and make it again in individual parts as its going to be interactive and each part needs to be different and easily changeable without effecting the rest of the model.

Car Modelling

I started building my car a Mitsubishi Colt Equippe tonight.  Havn't progressed too far as I'm attempting to build it correctly with correct dimensions and correct reference sizes etc.  Hope it all comes together soon... I'm sure it will.
Link to build a simple bubble car (if all else fails....but it wont) and also it gives me an idea of the amount of planes used etc.

:) Its going ok... and I have confidence in my work.  I'll keep going at it :D 

Loading Screens_01

As Sam and I are pretty sure we'll be using a loading screen between the outside and inside of Ramblers Autos I've been looking at a few loading screens... these are my own games that I've looked at on my PS3.  I've photographed them myself (primary research RIGHT there)  I may look into more as I want more of a loading 'bar' feel as it think it'll be more apparent to be loading (even though it won't be AT ALL as it'll all be pre-rendered hehe).

Images Taken From:
Drakes Fortune (Above)

Kayne and Lynch: Dead Men (above) 

Assassins Creed (Two Above)

Call Of Duty (Below)

GTA VI Below:

Fallout 3 (Below)

Call Of Duty 4 (Below)

An Hour Wasted?

OH MY GOD!!! Just tried to upload a file into Maya for a template... and it wasn't looking pretty.  Managed to figure out what was wrong after about fiddling with about 100 different things.  It took me an hour!!! AN HOUR!  The image quality was far too low to model against but I found why this was.  See tech blog for details!

The Brief - Revisited

Jared explained that we had to define clearly what we were going to be looking to work on and how we are changing or working to the brief as it stands at the moment... so here we go...

The two areas which I will be concentrating on are:

c) visualisation (and modelling)
d) visualisation (texturing and rendering)

After reviewing my concept work so far, the ideas, the sketches and the research, when putting it into comparison with Sam Saunders' (my team mate) it looks like a low standard.  This is one of the reasons why I have allowed him to take the major burden of the majority of the concept work.  Obviously I shall continue to do my own concepts in case Sam wishes to include anything that I put in mine into his but I think the main feel of the project at the moment can really be seen by Sam's 2D drawings and his photoshop work.

As Sam and I have decided to team up we thought we'd push the boundaries a little bit.  I came up with the idea of making it interactive and Sam liked it.  The idea is that the outside world is a game environment where you run, shoot, drive etc and then when you enter this chop shop its like a bunch of set parameters or a 'story' if you will which you can choose to edit.  The idea so far has been quickly mapped out in Flash.  Hopefully we can do this again in Flash with the buttons and all working (and looping around so that it never just cuts to another shot as it does atm).

Latest Flash Version: (download as a .swf file)
Link to View File:
Direct Download of File:

Both Sam and I know either none or little flash.  I've never really done anything on it before and when I did I was at such a young age that I was key framing EVERY frame.... animating the LONG way you might say.  As time has passed and my knowledge of computer software programs has expanded I am no longer so ignorant and ready to tackle Flash (or a bit of it at least) creating buttons to link pages and to make an INTERACITE 'film'.  Only problem with this will be the time constraints what with modelling a CAR and a CHARACTER as well.  I will start both as soon as possible though to allow for problems.  Once we've settled on the scale Sam and I hope to reference each others files using Maya's referencing system rather than importing which was apparently the cause of a lot of problems last project, last term.

Sam and I are going to attempt to keep the environment (car and character not included) to the poly count set in the original brief as we believe we can do so well.  This will allow us to put a bit more effort into the 2d concept work (for Sam) the experimentation (for Sam and I) and the Visualisation and Flash research (for me).

So far Sam and I have been working as one very well.  Pulling together in different programs.  He has managed to teach me a little photoshop already explaining how he works etc. and I have explained how I did my Flash work... 

I see this team working quite well so far and I expect we'll come through in the end!

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Monday/Tuesday Tasks

This is just because I know I'm going to forget something...
Need to talk about and we can fill in as we go!

My Big Interactive Idea:
Sam likes the idea but we'll see when it comes down to the time
Environment Designs:
Happy to go with Sams, but could still be changed due to poly count etc.
Map of city chalk board with Car maybe in shot. Blue print? etc
Outside (Considering Area of Buidling - Urban, City etc):
Outskirts of a city (fly over)
Character Designs (pros and cons):
Go with Sams character probably but maybe simplified... see how we go.
Lighting Style (Night, Day):
Night shots
Texture Style (Dirty, Clean):
Loading bar
Custom tyres
Paint Job
Rule up a rough time line with deadlines (we miss a deadline we leave it and move on?):

Quick Office Concept_01

Just an idea of the could be office above.  I think it looks ok however I would like it to be a bit more compact - less spatious and more of a wreak with dirty finger prints on things and boxes in places you don't want them and the odd light flickering on and off (not pulsating I don't think)  Shall discuss tomorrow again.

Just A Thought...

Please Note - This video is a TESTER for Sam to view

This is just an idea I had which could either really work well or may just be a complete waste of time.  I'll talk to Sam about it and see what he thinks.  Basically its an interactive style of design using Flash.  It'll allow the viewer to choose their options within the game allowing it to actually be PLAYED.  I think this'll be great if Sam and I could do this however it may be biting off more than we can chew so... we may just have to forget about it, and the character come to think about it.  But then again there are two of us to make it so maybe we could go all out and get something special out of this.  We'll speak tomorrow about it a little more.

Here is the Link to View The File:

Annnnd here is the Direct Download link:

Friday, 16 January 2009

Images From: 2 Fast 2 Furious

Paul Walker, Tyrese and Eva Medes Star in 2 Fast 2 Furious full of Cars Garages and Nitrous Injections... basically even faster than fast cars.  The final shot of the film as the opening credits start are animated and look immense.  Four cars battle head to head with one another.  If we can even mimic that level of detail in our car (if we decide to have a car) that would be IMMENSE!