Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Unreal Engine 3

One of the best Engines around - used for creating games for the PS3, XBox 360 and PCs is the Unreal Engine. The third of its kind now and it only gets better and better. Every aspect of the Unreal Engine has been designed with the ease of content creation and programming in mind. The team have attempted to give as much Power as possible to the hands of the artists and designers to develop assets in a visual environment with minimal programmer assistance. The Engine is intergrated with numerous leading middleware technologies.

Heres a list typical content Specifications taken off of the Unreal Engine Website.
"Different Genres of games will have widely varying expectations of player counts, scene size, and performance, so these specifications should be regarded as one data point for one project rather than hard requirements for all.

Renderable Mesh: Build renderable meshes with 3,000-12,000 triangles, based on teh expection of 5-20 visable characters in a game scene.
Detail Mesh: Build 1-8 million triangles detail meshes for typical characters. This is quite sufficient for generating 1-2 normal maps of resolution 2048 x 2048 per character.
Bones: The highest LOD version of our characters typically have 100-200 bones, and include articulated faces, hands, and fingers.

Normal Maps and Texture Maps:
Character, Normal and World Texture Maps authored at 2048 x 2048 resolution. We feel this is a good target for games running on mid-range PC's in the 2006 timeframe. Next Generation consoles may require reducing texture resolution by 2 times, and low-end PC's up to 4 times, depending on texture count and scene complexity.

Typical environments contain 1000-5000 total renderable objects, including static meshes and skeletal meshes. For reasonable performance on current 3D cards, we aim to keep the number of visible objects in any given scene to 300-1000 visible objects. Our larger scenes typically peak at 500,000 to 1,500,000 rendered triangles.

There are no hardcoded limits on light counts, but for performance we try to limit the number of large-radius lightes affecting large scenes to 2-5, as each light/object interaction pair is costly due to the engine's high-precision per-pixel lighting and shadowing pipeline. Low-radus lights used for highlights and detail lighting on specific objects are significantly less costly than lights affecting the full scene."

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