Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Public Folders

Today everything on the public folders was deleted.  Not by ICT but by some individual logged on on a computer at Ravensbourne.  I realised it was happening and informed ICT right away in an attempt to save some files and catch the vermin however they could only narrow the list down to everyone that was logged on to a Rave account on the computers at that current time.  There was no way to see who has deleted the files or to get our work back.  I know that on average the Rave Public Folders has about 100 folders or something crazy like that but now there are 5 left.  My friends attempting to pro-long the inevitable created a number of decoy folders for the sabotager to work through however I believe it was too late.  Only 3 original folders stayed.  Not a pretty sight as I know that a LOT of people would have lost their work today.
An idea of how we could have improved it - give a password to the class rep's only (that gives out 2 per class) and then make deleting things password protected.  Different Passwords for different courses to pinpoint who is deleting and when.... Just a thought but it would have made it more secure - even though we were all warned about the lack of security on the Public Folders I think everyone has lost a little something or  COULD have and now will never know...

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